
open memories

A book of memories



(One of) my favorite


Like in the movies – Santa Barbara


Saturday starts with Scarecrow at 7am


US movies marathon 


06.09. Inside Llewyn Davis

06.09. American Gangster

08.09. The Royal Tenenbaums


08.09. Being John Malkovich

10.09. You’ve Got Mail

11.09. Manhattan Murder

12.09. Metropolitan


12.09. When Harry met Sally

12.09. Working Girl

13.09. Big

Inside out

One of the best animation ever!

Fear Anger Joy Sadness Desgust 


Movie afternoon

Later update: let’s US movies Marathon start!

Still Alice

Pretty women evening / Women’ week 

First birthday present

(en) Since I was kid I was thinking about when will appear an animation for “The Little Prince”. I was 11 when I read it for the first time and some parts of the stories did not make sense for me. I thought that maybe via video it might help me to get to the point. I re-read it several times after and it was different experience every time.

(ro) De cand eram copil ma tot intrebat cand va aparea filmuletul “Micul print”. Aveam doar 11 ani cand am citit povestea prima data. M-a lasat confuza si asteptam ca voi gasi anumite raspunsuri intr-un desen animat. Dupa aia am recitit cartea de multe ori, de fiecare data fiind o diferita experienta. Filmul apare chiar de ziua mea si il consider cadou din partea producatorilor. Ma-nclin cu multumiri…

NY mood – “Ирония судьбы”


Movie for my soul


Nice one


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